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Home / Products / Hardness Tester / Portable Hardness Tester / iRock-4-3/8-4 &/8-10 C-Shape Rockwell Hardness Tester


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iRock-4-3/8-4 &/8-10 C-Shape Rockwell Hardness Tester

Follow Rockwell hardness test method and test condition, and the result is reliable.

●Fix the instrument to part and clamp it and test the hardness of part, no need to move the part.

●Test fast, convenient, non-destructive.

Structure as simple as micrometer, accurate, convenient, repeatable.

●As accurate as desk tester, error less than 1.5 HRC.


Product Description

Initial Test Force

10 kgf

Total Test Force

60 kgf, 100 kgf, 150 kgf

Test Head

120°Diamond Indenter; 1/16" carbide ball

Indication Error

Complying with ISO 6508, ASTM E110 and ASTM E18

Repeatability Error

Complying with ISO 6508, ASTM E110 and ASTM E18

Test Resolution

0.5 HR

Opening Size(iRock-4-3)

W x D 100*75mm

Opening Size(iRock-8-4)

W x D 200*100mm

Opening Size(iRock-8-10)

W x D 200*250mm

Application Range

Common metal including iron and steel, copper, aluminum


Standard Configurations


120° Diamond Indenter

1/16" carbide ball

Rockwell test block

Flat anvil

V anvil

Carrying case

Optional Configurations

120° diamond indenter

Carbide ball indenter(1/16", 1/8")

Steel ball indenter(1/4")

Rockwell test blocks(HRC-high, HRC-low, HRB)

Special anvils (as per requirements)


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