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EMUT10D Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

1.Product Introduction
This electromagnetic ultrasonic thickness gauge is a ultra small, non-contact thickness measurement device that does not require acoustic coupling agents. It can measure the thickness of non-metallic coatings on the surface of low carbon steel and the thickness of metal or magnetic materials. The advantages of this instrument include:
Small size and easy to carry
Be able to penetrate the coating and directly measure the thickness of the workpiece
The host supports Wi-Fi connection to smartphones.
No acoustic coupling agent is required, it is suitable for thickness measurement of high-temperature workpieces, and supports temperature compensation.
The requirements for the surface roughness of the workpiece are low, and even workpieces with rough surfaces can be measured without polishing.

Product Description

Technical Parameters

Sampling rate



Automatic 0~96dB

Effective range


Emission voltage

Fixed 400V

Emission frequency

Fixed  200Hz

Emission pulse width

Fixed 125ns

Lifting distance

4mm(Aluminum)、3mm(Carbon steel)、2mm(Stainless steel)

Measurement speed

1~10 times/second

Measurement accuracy


Measurement channel

Pipes, common, bars

Bare weight


Communication Interface

RS-485 or USB2.0

Display screen

1.47 inch 320×172 IPS_LCD



Battery life

3.7V 3400mAh Lithium battery, 5 hours of battery life


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