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Home / News / Blog / Best Manufacturer-Operation Steps of iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge When working with the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge, old chap, it's of utmost importance to strictly follow the followin

Best Manufacturer-Operation Steps of iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge When working with the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge, old chap, it's of utmost importance to strictly follow the followin

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Best Manufacturer-Operation Steps of iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge When working with the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge, old chap, it's of utmost importance to strictly follow the followin

Best Manufacturer-Operation Steps of iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge by Mikrosize Equipment Supplier 

When working with the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge, old chap, it's of utmost importance to strictly follow the following professional operation procedures. This is the be - all and end - all of ensuring accurate measurement data and the stable operation of the instrument.

I. Pre - measurement Preparation
(I) Instrument Appearance Inspection
Before starting any operation, one must conduct a comprehensive visual inspection of the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge with great care. Have a good look at the display screen to see if there are any cracks, breakages, or other little glitches that may affect the reading and functionality. The instrument's casing should be free from any physical damage. Situations such as scratches, dents, and cracks must be ruled out. If anything amiss is found on the appearance of the instrument, in order to avoid measurement errors and instrument malfunctions, one must stop using it right away and promptly contact professional instrument maintenance technicians to sort it out.
(II) Calibration Operation
Calibration is the heart and soul of ensuring the accuracy of measurement results. Place the probe of the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge firmly and steadily on the effective measurement area of the standard calibration plate to ensure good physical contact between the two. Subsequently, press the calibration button of the instrument to start the calibration procedure. At this moment, the instrument's display screen will show the calibration progress in real - time. Throughout the entire calibration process, the relative position of the instrument and the calibration plate must be kept as steady as a rock. Avoid any slight displacement, vibration, or inclination. Only in this way can the accuracy of calibration be guaranteed. After the calibration is successful, the instrument will let us know through a prompt tone and a specific display indication.
(III) Measurement Mode Selection
The iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge is equipped with several measurement modes to adapt to different combinations of coating and substrate materials. One should select the measurement mode with absolute precision in the instrument's function menu according to the material properties of the measured coating, such as insulation and conductivity, and the attributes of the substrate material, such as magnetic metals and non - magnetic metals. For instance, when measuring a non - magnetic coating on a magnetic metal substrate, the magnetic measurement mode should be selected; if measuring an insulating coating on a non - magnetic metal substrate, the eddy - current measurement mode must be enabled.
II. Measurement Process
(I) Measurement Surface Pretreatment
Use a soft cloth that has undergone professional cleaning treatment to wipe the measurement surface meticulously, and wipe away completely dust, oil stains, impurities, and other foreign substances that may affect the measurement accuracy. Ensure that the measurement surface meets the requirements of flatness and smoothness. If the surface has obvious unevenness, pores, scratches, and other defects, prior repair or grinding treatment must be carried out to meet the basic conditions for instrument measurement.
(II) Instrument Placement and Measurement
Place the probe of theiCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge, which has completed the calibration process, vertically and stably on the pretreated measurement surface, apply an appropriate amount of pressure to enable full and close contact between the probe and the measurement surface. During the measurement process, the instrument must be kept in a vertical state and a stable posture. Never allow any form of inclination, shaking, or displacement. Only in this way can the stability of the measurement process and the accuracy of the data be ensured.
(III) Reading and Recording of Measurement Values
Once the instrument makes good contact with the measurement surface, the instrument's display screen will show the measured coating thickness data in no time. The operator should read and record this value carefully. To make the measurement data more reliable and representative, it is recommended to take multiple measurements at the same measurement location. Between each measurement, the instrument should be completely lifted and then re - placed vertically on the measurement surface. In this way, the measurement error caused by the long - term pressure on the probe can be eliminated. Finally, take the arithmetic mean of the multiple measurement data as the final measurement result of this measurement point.
III. Post - measurement Treatment
(I) Data Storage and Transmission
If it is necessary to save the measurement data, the built - in data storage function of the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge can be utilized. Follow the instructions in the instrument operation manual to store the measurement data accurately without fail in the specified storage location, such as the instrument's internal memory or an external storage medium. Moreover, this instrument also supports the data transmission function. The measurement data can be transmitted to external devices such as computers and data collectors through a dedicated data transmission cable to facilitate subsequent data statistical analysis, report generation, and other work.
(II) Instrument Cleaning and Maintenance
After the measurement work is completed, use a clean and soft cloth to clean and wipe the external surface of the instrument, the probe, and other exposed components thoroughly, and get rid of the dust, dirt, and other impurities attached to the surface. Place the instrument in a dry, well - ventilated, and temperature - appropriate place for proper storage. Don't let it get affected by adverse factors such as direct sunlight, high temperature, humidity, and strong electromagnetic fields that may damage the instrument. At the same time, the instrument should be regularly maintained comprehensively. Tasks such as battery level detection, probe performance calibration, and internal circuit cleaning of the instrument must be carried out. Only in this way can the instrument always be in good working condition and its service life can be extended.
(III) Instrument Shutdown
After completing all measurement tasks and data processing work, be sure to press the power button of the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge to switch off the instrument completely. This can not only save battery power and extend the battery life but also effectively prevent the instrument from being damaged due to accidental operations or environmental factors when it's idle.
By strictly following the above - mentioned operation steps, the performance advantages of the iCoat - 320 Coating Thickness Gauge can be fully exploited, and accurate and reliable measurement data can be obtained. If you encounter any technical problems or have any questions during the operation process, remember to consult the instrument operation manual in a timely manner or contact the professional technical support team for help.

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